Dustin Hughes receives HBA of Greenville honor


Congratulations are in order for our amazing Corporate Sales Division Manager - Dustin Hughes.  He works tirelessly for the builder community and recently received the much-deserved Richard A. Ashmore, Sr. Home Builder Association of Greenville - Associate Member of the Year award.

Here is a wonderful article published by Talk Greenville Magazine.

Dustin Hughes

Dustin Hughes shown in a home built by Stoneledge Luxury Homes 

and designed by MB Interiors.  Nathan Gray/Staff, Talk Greenville

DUSTIN HUGHES, Jeff Lynch Appliance & TV Center, Richard A. Ashmore, Sr., Associate Member of the Year

It’s been quite a year for the home industry, and our community is booming.

As with any business, this one is made up of many outstanding leaders, and the Home Builders Association of Greenville celebrated some of the best at their annual Bridge Awards event. We spent some time with a few of the honorees recognized for excellence in their fields.

It’s always a good time to get to know your neighbors and maybe none better than now.

Talk Greenville: What is one thing you wish everyone knew about your business?

Dustin Hughes: That I genuinely sit on the same side of the table as the builder. Our goal is the exact same: “To provide an awesome product at a great price in a timely manner.” I enjoy working with builders who understand that suppliers/subs are true partners in the building industry.

TG: What is your favorite part about what you do?

DH: I was a pastor on staff at church for 8 years prior to this job, and I geniunely believe our focus should be on serving. I want to serve and help our builders any way possible. If you lead with a servant’s heart, the sales will come.

TG: How have things changed in your industry over the last year?

DH: That’s easy, AVAILABILITY! The order of questions from builders/customers used to be "How much is it, can you tell me about the product, then when can I get it?" Now, far and away the first question to answer is “When can I get it?” Supply issues and availability are presenting unique challenges that we are learning to navigate through each day.

TG: What is one thing you will never do again?

DH: I ran the Swamp Rabbit Half Marathon on Saturday, February 29th 2020, and have since said that I won’t run another half marathan until the next Saturday, February 29th which will not be until February 29th 2048. I’ll be 68, so who knows?

TG: What is one thing that would surprise us about you?

DH: While studying PRTM at Clemson I got a job with the old minor league hockey team in Greenville, the Greenville Grrrowl one season. I was on Ice Dog, and was a part of the on-ice and in stands entertainment team!

Share and comment if you know Dustin!

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