
Showing posts from November, 2017

Find Quality Surya Rugs Like a Pro

Shared from our friends at Surya Rugs One of the growing fads in bringing taste in your home is through using rugs. However, as there are wide varieties of rugs, choosing the best design and style can be a complicated task.  To make your search short, the following are the key things you need to remember when choosing the best Surya rugs for your own home. Design and Pattern It's really important to choose a Surya area rug based on its design and pattern.  The pattern and design of the rug should never be ignored since this will enhance the aesthetic appeal of your room. There are three types of patterns available that you must check. There is the geometric, that's more about straight lines; the curvilinear, which composed mainly of curved lines; and the pictorial patterns which look more like pictures than a pattern. Size The size of the rugs you are going to buy is an important things to think about. Be sure that accurate sizes are achieved to ensure that

Why your kids should do laundry (and how to teach them) - by GE Appliances

11/20/17 Shared from our friends at GE APPLIANCES Why Your Kids Should Do Laundry (and How to Teach Them) From sweaty socks to food-stained t-shirts, from bed sheets to bath mats, there's always something that can be washed (or folded or ironed). One way to lighten the work load? Recruit your kids to take a turn doing the laundry. Four reasons why kids should help do laundry ·          One day (you hope), kids will move out—go to college, get a job. When they move out, their laundry (you hope) will go with them. They'll need to understand this mundane yet necessary chore. ·          Laundry is something that everyone in the household contributes to, no matter their age or hobbies. Everyone wears clothes and dirties towels and sheets. ·          Shared household tasks equal shared work which equal stronger family bonds. Plus, along the way, you might just teach them the value of responsibility and finishing small things. ·          Laundry is the perfect t

Your Best Bed at Any Age

11/15/17 Shared from our friends at Serta Did you know that your  sleep needs  will change throughout your life? You’ll generally need less sleep as an adult than you would as a teenager, and as you get older, you’ll require even less time to catch up on your Zs. As you deal with changing life situations and a changing body, your comfort preferences will also change. Don’t be surprised if the type of mattress you liked ten years ago has changed! Find your best beds for every age.  Babies and toddlers Babies sleep on very firm surfaces, without padding or pillows. Infant mattresses are made specifically to accommodate your baby’s safety needs. Toddler mattresses, while similar to infant mattresses, offer a little softer surface and more cushioned support. Because both infant and toddler mattresses are crib-sized, a  two-sided mattress  is a great investment. You can use one side for your newborn and  transition to a toddler bed  when the time is right. Kids and te

Never make these laundry mistakes again

Shared from our friends at GE Appliances . 11/8/17 Laundry mistake #1: Skipping out on stains Listen, we get it: Stains happen–and forgetting them happens too. But tossing that chocolate-dribbled shirt into the laundry basket and treating the stain days later is  a sure way to end up with a ruined piece of clothing. In fact, when it comes to stains and removing them, time and success are inversely related: The quicker you get to a stain, the more success you'll have removing it. Pre-treat spills and accidents, from grass to wine and more, as soon as possible with the right product (and follow label directions, too). Laundry mistake #2: Over-or-under-doing detergent Too many suds and your washing machine will have a harder time rinsing soap out of clothes. Too few and the dirt may escape (and stay on your clothes) through the wash cycle. Instead, dig up your appliance manual and follow its detergent recommendations–including type–to the letter. (An

The Art of Arranging Art

Universal Furniture Proximity Collection Shared from our friends at  Universal Furniture . As any decorator, curator, or gallery owner can tell you, there is an “art” to hanging art well. It is an element that is often overlooked. Think of your framed photographs and collected pieces of artwork as the final layer in a beautiful room, or maybe your favorite painting is the starting point for the design of a space. This favorite piece of art could be the inspiration for color, pattern, furniture angles, upholstery texture…and mood. Whether you’re working with a collection of pictures and prints or trying to find the perfect spot for that oversized canvas you finally found, here are a few tips to keep in mind before you start hammering nails into your walls. When hanging art of different sizes,  pictures should be lined up by their center lines, not the top edge of the work or frame. Check it out the next time you visit a museum or art gallery, this is the way they hang