Tiny girl. Big Dream. CR Plastics Chair.

We are delighted to partner with
   CR Plastics to offer their awesome chairs! 

CR Plastics is an incredible company that offers a 
  But they may be best known for their association with Acacia Woodley.  

Tiny girl. Big dream.

The Mission of Tiny Girl, Big Dream comes from the life of a tiny girl, a girl who was born of magic. A girl without complete arms who, despite her differences, or perhaps because of them, intuitively knows what it feels like to be left out, not to be part of the “normal” group. Every child, indeed, every person, understands that feeling, having felt it many, many times in their lives. But few have the big dream Acacia has.
One tiny girl has the courage of many and a big dream of making a difference for children by speaking out and providing others with a means of expressing themselves without words- The Friendship Bench.

Acacia Woodley

Acacia’s dream is to place friendship kits into every school across the United States and spread friendship around the country and around the world. She believes that if we can begin to put the spotlight on all of the goodness, random acts of kindness, and yes, friendship, then we will begin to see a brighter more vibrant world. A world where kindness, compassion, and humanity are recognized, appreciated and rewarded. A world where acts of violence are replaced by acts of kindness.

Not only can you find the furniture collection for your home when you visit us at Jeff Lynch, but you can also enjoy the thrill of sitting in a huge, oversized replica of their adirondack chair!  

Over sized chair now on our showroom floor!
Come on by, climb in and capture 
some fun snapshots! 

 Perfect for posting on your
 social media! Tag us while you're at it!


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