Jeff Lynch is GOING GREEN!

By Mark Lynch

Jeff Lynch is GOING GREEN and reducing our all-important carbon footprint!   2017 was a year of progressive change here at Jeff Lynch.  Our initiative is to move toward a GREEN environment by reducing our energy needs in several ways.

We replaced all of our old, energy-sapping lighting and replaced it with low cost, energy efficient LED fixtures and bulbs.  This important change will result in about 50% greater illumination but at about 80% of the monthly energy cost!  Plus LED bulbs last years or even decades longer than standard CFL or incandescent bulbs. The increased life results in lower replacement costs and lower man hours for the labor to replace them. Additionally, we recycled the old fixtures instead of throwing them away.

Solar Panels
We also installed solar panels. The initial investment was large but the payback will probably be less than 24 months.  We partnered with Hannah Solar to drastically reduce the amount of energy used to operate our facility because our energy now comes from a renewable energy source --- the SUN! The use of solar power does not produce any greenhouse gases, smoke or other chemicals that could pollute the atmosphere.  Solar panel does not contribute to acid rain or smog.

Recycling is also a key component to being more environmentally friendly so we have recycled cardboard here for many years.  And we are looking for more recycling opportunities.

We are protecting our families and our environment!  We are also making our business more efficient and cost effective. 

We want to continue looking for ways to go GREENER and lead to more environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible decisions.  We also want to help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations. 

Mark Lynch is a Native Greenvillian.  He is married to his beautiful wife Sarah and has two awesome children, his son Cole and daughter Stevie.  He is President of Jeff Lynch at the corner of Woodruff  Road and 17 Roper Mountain Road.  They have been in business since 1951 and blessed to have 90 of the best employees in Greenville.  He loves racing motocross and being heavily active in Recovery ministries.  Most important of all, for him and his house,  they serve The Lord.  


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