SAFETY FIRST! Serta FireBlocker mattress protection.


Safety is the most important concern when it comes to our home and our family. 

One of the last tasks we do at night is make sure the doors are locked and the stove is turned off.

It’s also nice to know that when we snuggle into our bed we are sleeping on a safe mattress.

Each year house fires claim the lives of 4,000 people.  Many of those fires start in the bedroom or on a mattress.  According to Firelink, each year  600 people die from fires that started in the bedroom.   Firelink  offers important safety facts and tips worth your time to read here.

In the summer of 2007 the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission enacted federal regulations requiring new, enhanced safety standards for mattresses and box springs made in the US or imported to the US.   These laws required new mattress flammability standards mandating flame retardant factors so that bedroom fires don’t spread so fast – giving us more time to get out of the house.

Our friends at Serta were way ahead of these laws by introducing their trademarked FireBlocker mattress system in early 2005.  They were the first mattress manufacturer to put a protective flame barrier system in mattresses and box springs.  

We are proud to be the largest Serta partner in the area. Visit Jeff Lynch for more information about Serta products and safety standards.

There’s a big reason Serta is the #1 mattress manufacturer in the US!



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