
Showing posts from February, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day! We're celebrating Valentines Day all week and want to hear from you!

  Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate those we love!  A time when most exchange Valentine’s Day cards expressing love.   Let’s not forget chocolates, roses, and even a romantic night out or special dinner.   Always make time this Valentine’s Day to celebrate with that special someone. Two of our store employees, Rowdy and Tammy are proud that their parents have managed to keep the spark alive for over 58 years!  Danny and Melissa shown here shared their secret, "Never forget to express your love to one another every day, quiet evenings sitting on the porch together,  and long walks hand in hand!" Even if I don't have that special valentine, I love to create and share heart shaped cakes, cupcakes, fudge, or brownies to share.   Here's a photo of what I created to share with my co-workers at Jeff Lynch this year.  Chocolate fudge brownies drizzled in white chocolate We would love to hear how you are celebrating Valentines Day this year! ...

Did he see his shadow or did he not? That is the question!

If he sees his shadow, six more weeks of winter!  If he doesn't that means an early spring!  Since Groundhog Day the movie came out in 1993, almost everyone has heard of Punxsutawney Phil ! Did you  know that's just his nickname? His full name is " Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators, and Weather Prophet Extraordinary. " That’s a mouthful!  Now rather than relying on Punxsutawney Phil alone, a few other states now have their own groundhogs. I checked in on a few this morning. Just what did these guys predict today?  Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania :  It’s official, Punxsutawney Phil arose from his burrow and spotted his shadow.  Therefore, according to America’s most beloved groundhog we will have 6 more weeks of winter.  Fun fact:  Since the tradition began in 1887 he has seen his shadow 107 of the 127 recorded predictions. General Beau Lee of Atlanta, Georgia :  General Beaur...